Sort Out Insomnia.

Sleep is essential for good physical and mental health. Getting less than you need can profoundly affect your mood, concentration, and well-being.

For people who suffer with insomnia, this is a regular experience. About a third of people in the UK experience periods of insomnia during their lives. 

Insomnia has such a big impact on the way you feel and function, it can play on your mind. If you worry about your sleep, the problem is compounded; the stress means you’re even less likely to sleep well.

Whilst good sleep hygiene can make a big difference to your sleep, it’s not always enough, especially if poor sleep patterns have become embedded in your subconscious.

 Hypnotherapy is a safe, fast and effective way for you to overcome insomnia and get regular, deep, restorative, sleep.

Symptoms of insomnia.

The experience of insomnia can vary, depending on the individual, but common symptoms include:

There’s no need to feel you have to live with it. Hypnotherapy can help.

Causes of insomnia.

Acute insomnia lasts between one night and a month. Common causes can include changes in routine,  jetlag, stress, caffeine & alcohol.

Chronic insomnia lasts almost nightly for a month or more.  Sometimes it can be associated with lifestyle, mental or physical health, or hormonal changes.

When poor sleep patterns become a regular feature, they can become embedded in our subconscious, like any other habit, and can be difficult to overcome without professional support.

Hypnotherapy can help you relax, address the causes of insomnia, and sleep well, so you wake up feeling rested, refreshed, and ready for the day.

“I decided to book an appointment with Francis after struggling with my sleep as long as I can remember. Having tried everything, hypnotherapy seemed like the last resort.

I had an introductory call with Francis who explained what the sessions would involve which completely put my mind at rest.

I was pleasantly surprised to notice improvements after just one session. Rather than committing to a number of sessions, Francis tailored the approach to suit my needs as well as providing me with bespoke recordings that I could take away and practice in between appointments.

I can’t recommend Francis enough. He has helped me completely reframe my approach to sleep, which has helped me to fall asleep quicker, and for longer, which has given me new energy during the day. Thank you!”

Finance Executive
London, UK

I approached Francis to try and improve my sleep and solve a long problem of teeth grinding (Bruxism). I immediately saw results.

Francis is very calm, reassuring and professional. It was easy to speak to Francis and trust what he was saying and his processes.

I had been given night guards by dentists to stop my nightly teeth grinding from damaging my teeth and after 10 years and several broken mouth guards, the nightly pain in my jaw was affecting my sleep.  I was no longer able to sleep through the night and was constantly tired.

After the first session I stopped using my mouthguard which was a huge leap for me, considering my total reliance on them.  Francis helped me unlearn the habit of subconsciously tensing of certain muscles and reactions to thoughts. 

I found the sessions and subsequent recording very useful to listen to daily when going to sleep and was amazed that they also helped me get back to sleep again in the early morning.

I am now having much better sleep than I have had in many many years.  I’d say that Francis has totally cured my Bruxism and helped improve my sleep patterns massively.

I am both surprised and extremely grateful to him for assisting me to deal with a problem on the subconscious level when i’d tried and tried but failed to deal with them on a conscious level.

Business Executive
London, UK

Get the support you need.

Hypnotherapy is a safe, fast, and effective way to help you make the positive changes you want to achieve in your life.

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I can help you re-programme your mind so you can change your habits, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

If you have decided it’s time for a change, let’s talk about what you want to achieve and how I can help.